


Angol nyelvű felhívás az SZTE BTK hallgatóinak: Joint Exchange Summer School in Philosophy and Classics

Angol nyelvű felhívás az SZTE BTK hallgatóinak: Joint Exchange Summer School in Philosophy and Classics

2023. október 19.
3 perc

The Department of Classical Philology and Neo-Latin Studies (SZTE BTK) invites applications for participation in a joint summer school with School of Law and Social Sciences at Royal Holloway, University of London, in July 2024 for BA, MA, and Master of Education (OT) students of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Szeged. The two-week English-language summer school in philosophy and classics, held partly at Royal Holloway, University of London, and partly at SZTE BTK, is open to 10 students from both institutions.

The summer school offers an introduction to different fields of philosophy, including but not limited to ancient philosophy, political philosophy, and philosophical logic, along with a broad overview of the fields of classics and Neo-Latin studies. Both fields of study will equip students with a key set of transferable skills applicable to whichever career they decide upon in their future. Through the study of philosophy, they will develop key skills in analysis and critical thinking. The foundations of law, politics, literary theory, and social science lie in the texts of Ancient Greece and Rome, and a grounding in these texts will be beneficial for students wishing to pursue a career in any of these areas.

For the Szeged students, the summer school not only offers the opportunity to experience academia and how it is taught at a different institution in a different country, but also the chance to hone their English language skills, which in turn will further broaden their career opportunities after graduation.

The summer school will consist of four days in London and four days in Szeged in two consecutive weeks in the second half of July 2024. Thanks to the financial support of the University of Szeged, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, and Royal Holloway, Szeged students can participate in the summer university at a relatively low cost compared to similar programmes, with the expected cost being between 50.000 and 100.000 HUF including travel and accommodation.

We welcome applications from students with an interest in classical studies and philosophy, who are fluent in English, open-minded, have good communication and debating skills. Applications should be accompanied by a motivation letter in English, between 3 and 6 thousand characters in length, explaining why they want to participate in the programme and how their knowledge of philosophy and ancient studies will be useful to them in their studies and beyond.

Applications should be submitted using the Google Form below by 30 November.

For general inquiries, please contact us at

Participants will be selected in a personal interview in the first week of January 2024, and those invited will be notified via email in the first half of December 2023.

Dr. Péter Kasza & Dr. Gergő Gellérfi

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