ERASMUS Course offer at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Autumn 2024

More details about the courses (level of study, credits, language of instruction, course type, assessment mode, hours/week, minimum number of students, language proficieny requirements, other relevant information for course registration): download here!

Department/Institute Neptun code of the course Title in Neptun (i.e. electronic database at SZTE) Title in English (if the original title is not English)
Study of Religions XSE051-GlobRelig YSE_BTK011-01160 Global Religion Global Religion
Russian Studies YSE_BTK011-SLA003 Az orosz beszédkészség fejlesztése 3. Russian communication skills 3.
Russian Studies YSE_BTK011-SLA005 Az orosz beszédkészség fejlesztése 5. Russian communication skills 5.
Russian Studies YSE_BTK011-SLA009 Orosz nyelvtani gyakorlatok 3. Russian practical grammar 3.
Russian Studies YSE_BTK011-SLA011 Orosz nyelvtani gyakorlatok 5. Russian practical grammar 5.
Russian Studies YSE_BTK011-SLA015 Orosz szövegolvasás és szövegalkotás 3. Russian reading and writing 3.
Russian Studies YSE_BTK011-SLA017 Orosz szövegolvasás és szövegalkotás 5. Russian reading and writing 5.
Russian Studies YSE_BTK011-SLA029 Az orosz beszédkészség fejlesztése I. Russian communication skills I.
Russian Studies YSE_BTK011-SLA033 Az orosz íráskészség fejlesztése I. Russian reading and writing I.
Russian Studies YSE_BTK011-SLA037 A mai orosz nyelv rendszere I. Szövegtan és stilisztika Structure of Modern Russian Language I. Textology and Stylistics
Russian Studies YSE_BTK011-SLA038 A mai orosz nyelv rendszere II. Morfológia Structure of Modern Russian Language II. Morphology
Bulgarian Studies YSE_BTK011-SLA110 Bolgár nyelv kezdőknek 1. Bulgarian language for beginners 1.
Educational Science XSE031-ESMA-0101 Studies in History of Education Studies in History of Education
Educational Science XSE031-ESMA-0201 Cognitive Psychology Cognitive Psychology
Educational Science XSE031-ESMA-0202 Educational and Social Psychology Educational and Social Psychology
Educational Science XSE031-ESMA-0405 The Sociology of Education The Sociology of Education
Philosophy YSE_BTK011-FIL13 Existential Psychologies Existential Psychologies
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-01197 Cultural Theories and American Studies Cultural Theories and American Studies
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00863 Theories of Culture– A Survey of Critical Theories Theories of Culture– A Survey of Critical Theories
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00551 Contemporary American Society and Culture Contemporary American Society and Culture
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00086 Contemporary British Society and Culture Contemporary British Society and Culture
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00806 18th-Century British Cultural History 18th-Century British Cultural History
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-ANG0055 British History from 1688-1914 British History from 1688-1914
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00112 A History of the Old South A History of the Old South
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00797 Restoration through 18th Century English Literature (English Literature SURVEY from Milton to Sterne) Restoration through 18th Century English Literature (English Literature SURVEY from Milton to Sterne)
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00087 Romanticism and Victorianism in English Literature Romanticism and Victorianism in English Literature
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00930 Modern American Drama Modern American Drama
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-000205 Cross-cultural pragmatics Cross-cultural pragmatics
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00134 Descriptive Grammar and the Syntax of English Descriptive Grammar and the Syntax of English
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00079 Introduction to Historical Linguistics Introduction to Historical Linguistics
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00688 Introduction to Linguistics Introduction to Linguistics
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-ANG0004 Introduction to Sociolinguistics Introduction to Sociolinguistics
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00232 Colonies to Empire through Transatlantic Dimensions Colonies to Empire through Transatlantic Dimensions
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-01067 Theories of British and American literature and culture Theories of British and American literature and culture
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-ANG0025 The Slave Narrative and the Neo-Slave Narrative The Slave Narrative and the Neo-Slave Narrative
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-ANG0034 Critical History of Photography in the U.S. Critical History of Photography in the U.S.
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00873 American cultural studies American cultural studies
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-ANG0051 The Iconology of American Painting The Iconology of American Painting
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00708 Contemporary Visual Culture: From the Camera Obscura to te Digital Age Contemporary Visual Culture: From the Camera Obscura to te Digital Age
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00287 Early Women's Challenges to the American Literary Canon Early Women's Challenges to the American Literary Canon
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00511 Rhetorics of the New Woman in American Literature Rhetorics of the New Woman in American Literature
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-ANG0039 Life Narrative and Identity Life Narrative and Identity
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00387 The multimediality of culture The multimediality of culture
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00878 The Interdisciplinary Concept of Discourse The Interdisciplinary Concept of Discourse
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00970 The social uses of language The social uses of language
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00339 Gendering theory - theories of gender Gendering theory - theories of gender
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00769 Approaches to English Linguistics Approaches to English Linguistics
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00410 Sociolinguistics Sociolinguistics
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00462 Sociopragmatics Sociopragmatics
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00270 Feminist Literary Theory and Criticism Feminist Literary Theory and Criticism
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-ANG0050 Women's Life Writing (Histories of Women’s Writing in English) Women's Life Writing (Histories of Women’s Writing in English)
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-ANG0035 Literature and the Semiotics of the Subject Literature and the Semiotics of the Subject
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-01182 Postmodernism through revisiting modernism Postmodernism through revisiting modernism
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00590 The Rise of Popular Culture The Rise of Popular Culture
Altaic Studies YSE_BTK011-ALT0027 Early Turkic-Hungarian Contact Early Turkic-Hungarian Contact
Altaic Studies YSE_BTK011-ALT0029 Ottoman Turkish Ottoman Turkish
Altaic Studies YSE_BTK011-ALT0017 History of Turkic Literature History of Turkic Literature
Hispanic Studies YSE_BTK011-hisp012 Breu història de la llengua catalana Brief History of the Catalan Language
Hispanic Studies XSE041-LatAmProse Capítulos de la prosa hispanoamericana Chapters of Latin American Prose
Hispanic Studies YSE_BTK011-hisp013 Crónicas y cronistas del Nuevo Mundo Chronicles and Chroniclers of Latin America
Hispanic Studies XSE041-00140 Cuestiones actuales de la lingüística española Current Issues in Spanish Linguistics
Hispanic Studies XSE041-00334 El mundo hispánico actual I (España) The Current Hispanic World I (Spain)
Hispanic Studies XSE041-SpHuInEU España y Hungría en la Unión Europea Spain and Hungary in the European Union
Hispanic Studies XSE051-TO22-SPA-KOT-A13 Fonética, fonología y ortografía del español Phonetics, Phonology and Spelling of Spanish
Hispanic Studies XSE041-00385 Historia de España History of Spain
Hispanic Studies XSE041-00491 Historia de la literatura española del siglo XX History of Spanish Literature of the 20th Century
Hispanic Studies XSE041-HistHunSpanRel Historia de las relaciones húngaro-hispánicas History of Hungarian-Hispanic Relations
Hispanic Studies XSE041-HistSpTheat Historia del teatro español History of Spanish Dramatic Arts
Hispanic Studies XSE041-00618 Introducción a la lingüística románica histórico-comparada Introduction to Historical-Comparative Romance Linguistics
Hispanic Studies XSE041-SpanLingVar La diversidad lingüística en el español de hoy Linguistic Diversity in Spanish Today
Hispanic Studies YSE_BTK011-hisp020 Relaciones interamericanas Inter-American Relations
Hispanic Studies YSE_BTK011-hisp031 Los pueblos de América Peoples of America
Hispanic Studies YSE_BTK011-hisp010 Historia del arte del mundo hispano History of Art in the Hispanic World
Hispanic Studies YSE_BTK011-hisp008 Perífrases verbales en las lenguas iberorrománicas Verbal periphrases in the Iberian Romance languages
  YSE_BTK011-MIT004 Klasszikus magyar irodalom előadás Classic Hungarian Literature
Hungarian Literature YSE_BTK011-MIT005 Modern és kortárs magyar irodalom előadás Modern and Contemporary Hungarian Literature
Hungarian Literature YSE_BTK011-MIT006 Régi magyar irodalomról nem csak bölcsészeknek 2. Old Hungarian Literature to all
Hungarian Literature YSE_BTK011-ÖH0007 Bevezetés a művészettörténetbe és esztétikába Introduction to Art History and Aesthetics
Hungarian Literature YSE_BTK011-ÖH0008 Bevezetés a művészetfilozófiába Introduction to Art Philosophy
Visual Culture and Literary Theory YSE_BTK011-VIZ03 A mozgóképelemzés alapjai Basics of Moving Pictures
Visual Culture and Literary Theory YSE_BTK011-VIZ04 Bevezetés a tömegfilm elméletébe Introduction to Film Theory
Visual Culture and Literary Theory YSE_BTK011-VIZ05 A tömegfilm esztétikája Aesthetics of Films
Visual Culture and Literary Theory YSE_BTK011-VIZ06 Intermedialitás: képregény és film Intermediality: Cartoons and Films
Visual Culture and Literary Theory YSE_BTK011-VIZ07 Elméleti alapozó: Kritikai irányzatok, értelmezési stratégiák Theoretical Foundations: Critical Streams and Interpretation Strategies
Visual Culture and Literary Theory YSE_BTK011-VIZ08 Történeti alapozó: A mozgókép változó fogalmai a 19. és a 20. század végén Historical Foundations: Changing Concepts of Movies at the end of the 19th and 20th centuries
Visual Culture and Literary Theory YSE_BTK011-VIZ09 A magyar és a nemzetközi dokumentumfilm évtizedei Decades in the History of Hungarian and International Documentaries
French Studies YSE_BABEVI-FR Introduction à la littérature Introduction to literature
French Studies XSE041 FrContSpeakLit_1 Littératures contemporaines francophones Contemporary French Speaking Literature
French Studies YSE_FRBA-FR-LIT1 Littératures francophones 1 French Speaking literatures 1
French Studies YSE_FRBA-FR-LIT3 Littératures francophones 3 French Speaking literatures 3
French Studies XSE041-FRBA-FR-2B1 Développement des compétences langagières 1 Development of Language Skills 1
French Studies YSE_FRBA-FR-2B4 Développement des compétences langagières 4 Language Skills 4
French Studies YSE_FRAM-FR-BB1 Productions créatives langagières - compte rendu littéraire Creative Verbal Productions-Literary Review
French Studies YSE_FRAM-FR-BB2 Productions créatives langagières - exposé, présentation, art d'éloquence Creative Verbal Productions -Talk, Presentation, Eloquence
French Studies XSE041-IntLingFr Introduction a la linguistique Introduction into Linguistics
French Studies XSE031-GramDesc-1 Grammaire descriptive 1 Descriptive grammar
French Studies XSE051-HistHong Histoire de la Hongrie History of Hungary (in french)
French Studies YSE_FRBA-FR-S1 Texte et Image 1 Text and Image 1
French Studies YSE_FRBA-FR-S3 Texte et Image 3 Text and Image 3
French Studies   Francophonies dans le temps et dans l'espace 1 French-Speaking Communities in the World Across Time and Place 1
French Studies   La francophonie sur la carte de l'Europe French-speaking Communities in Europe
French Studies   Multimédias et analyses socio-économiques 2 Multimedia and Socio-Economical Analysis 2
Communication and Media Studies YSE_BTK011-01027 Public Relations: Ways of Communication Public Relations: Ways of Communication
Communication and Media Studies YSE_BTK011-00792 Everyday Life in a New Media Environment Everyday Life in a New Media Environment
Communication and Media Studies YSE_BTK011-KOM04 "The Veins of Society" - Contemporary Theories of Media and Society The Veins of Society - Contemporary Theories of Media and Society
Communication and Media Studies YSE_BTK011-00723 Intercultural Communication Intercultural Communication
Communication and Media Studies YSE_BTK011-KOM05 Cultural Studies: a Central European perspective Cultural Studies: a Central European perspective
Communication and Media Studies YSE_BTK011-KOM06 The Good and the Bad Media. Professional and Lay Interpretations on Contemporary Media The Good and the Bad Media. Professional and Lay Interpretations on Contemporary Media
Hungarian Studies XSE041-HunFolkMus Hungarian Folklore and Music Hungarian Folklore and Music
Hungarian Studies XSE041-PerspHunCult Perspectives on Hungarian Culture Perspectives on Hungarian Culture
Hungarian Studies XSE041-HunFilm Hungarian Film Hungarian Film
Hungarian Studies XSE031-HunInEuHist Hungary in Europe: History until 1848 Hungary in Europe: History until 1848
Hungarian Studies XSE041-HunLanL1Beg F Hungarian language 1. level (beginner) F Hungarian language 1. level (beginner) F
German Studies YSE_BTK011-GER-07 Sprachübung 1 German Language Practice 1
German Studies YSE_BTK011-GER-09 Sprachübung 2 German Language Practice 2
German Studies YSE_BTK011-GER-05 Deutsche Literatur bis zum 17. Jh. German Literature till the 17th Century
German Studies YSE_BTK011-GER-15 Satz Syntax
German Studies YSE_BTK011-GER-23 Deutschsprachige Literatur des 20. Jhs German Literature of the 20th Century
German Studies YSE_BTK011-GER-20 Werkanalyse 1 Reading German Literature 1
German Studies YSE_BTK011-GER-20 Werkanalyse 2 Reading German Literature 2
German Studies YSE_BTK011-GER-25 Kultur- und Medienwissenschaft 2 Culture and Media Studies 2
German Studies YSE_BTK011-GER-22 Sprachgeschichte History of the German Language
Italian Studies XSE061-TransTech_S Esercizi di traduzione it-ung, ung-it Hungarian-Italian Translation practice
Italian Studies XSE061-IntPretTech_S Esercizi di interpretazione it-ung, ung-it Hungarian-Italian Interpretation practice
Italian Studies ROLM111N-2 Italian Language practice 1 Italian language I. - level A1+
Italian Studies ROLM112N-2 Italian Language practice 2 Italian language II. - level A1+
Italian Studies ROLM131N-2 Italian grammar practice I. - level A1+ Italian grammar practice I. - level A1+
Italian Studies ROLM132N-2 Italian grammar practice II. - level A1+ Italian grammar practice II. - level A1+
Italian Studies TO22-OLA-KOT-A08 Italian speaking skills 1 Language communication skills - oral I.
Italian Studies TO22-OLA-KOT-A09 Italian writing skills 1 Language communication skills - written I.
Italian Studies ROLB346N-2 Language Skills development Language Skills 5
Italian Studies TO22-OLA-KOT-A06 Italian Grammar in Use Italian grammar I.
Italian Studies XSE061-ItaCiv_II_S Cultural Geography of Italy Cultural Geography of Italy
Italian Studies ROLA431N-2 Introduction to the history of Italian art I. Introduction to the history of Italian art I.
Italian Studies XSE061-LitCultHist_6_L Baroque literature and culture in Italy Baroque literature and culture in Italy
Italian Studies XSE061-ItaCivKnow_1_L Italian society and politics Italian society and politics
Italian Studies XSE061-SocLing Sociolinguistica Sociaolinguistics
Italian Studies XSE081-GenreHist_2_L Letteratura italiana Italian Literaure
Italian Studies XSE061-ItaCinema_S Cinema italiano_tematico Italian Films - Thematic approach
Italian Studies XSE061-OlCivIsm-II Contemporary Italian society and civilisation Contemporary Italian society and civilisation
Italian Studies XSE061-HistItaFasc_L Appunti sulla storia del fascismo in Italia History of Italian Fascism

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Dr. Kent Cartwright, a Bölcsészet- és Társadalomtudományi Kar 2024-es Doctor Honoris Causa előterjesztettje november 9-én veszi át egyetemünk díszdoktori kitüntetését. Az amerikai professzor november 8-án 12 órától nyilvános előadást tart "I. A. RICHARDS, ARIOSTO, SHAKESPEARE, AND THE ATTITUDE OF COMEDY" címen, a Kari Tanácsteremben, amelyre szeretettel várják az érdeklődő hallgatókat, oktatókat.