Erzsébet Lamár PhD

Lamar_Erzsebet_igazolvany2Assistant Professor

Contact information


I graduated at the University of Szeged in Philosophy in 2010, and I completed my doctoral studies in Philosophy at the same institution. I defended my doctoral thesis (summa cum laude) entitled The Power of Difference and the Paradox of Representation. Nietzsche's Critique of Metaphysics in 2015, in which I traced the formation of Nietzsche's critique of metaphysics throughout his oeuvre, with special reference to some lesser known influences (e.g. Boscovich and Spir). I have participated in and organized a few national and international conferences and workshops and I am the Erasmus Coordinator of the Department of Philosophy. I am also a member of the editorial board of our department’s periodical Különbség.

Research profile

My main field of interest is the problem of subjectivity, the narrow theoretical frameworks of my work are provided by transcendental idealism and phenomenology, and the analytical metaphysics of mind. While having a solid philosophical background, my current research tries to maintain an interdisciplinary perspective, comprising the results of neurophenomenology, contemporary narratology, cognitive sciences and psychology.
My teaching profile includes various courses on the above mentioned topics, as well as methodological and tutorial classes.


List of publications