2025. március 13., csütörtök


Doctoral School of Philosophy

The Doctoral School of Philosophy was established in 2007, and had been functioning under the leadership of Professor Dezső Csejtei for over a decade and is currently headed by Prof. Dr. Zoltán Gyenge. Our program is an integral part of the development of nearly a century’s tradition of philosophical research at the University of Szeged, focusing on the history of Continental philosophy from the ancient Greeks through the Middle Ages, Early Modernity and German Idealism to 20th century currents of philosophy.


The Programs of the School are the following:


1. Metaphysics and Criticisms of Metaphysics

2. Ethics, Social Theory and Applied Philosophy

3. Philosophy/Theory of Art

4. Philosophy/Theory of Culture

5. Philosophy/Theory of Religion


These programs represent the institutionalized framework of our interdisciplinary profile, offering specialization in any of the above disciplines. Our speciality is variety in the tradition of Continental philosophy and in some current philosophical disciplines, such as applied philosophy (environmental philosophy, bioethics, medical ethics), pragmatism, contemporary aesthetic thought, some aspects of analytic philosophy, cultural studies, and theory of religion. For a range of topics currently offered for supervision by our faculty see:




Supervision might also be provided for topics related to those enlisted in the above database, within the range of individual research pursued by our faculty. Applicants wishing to do research and write a thesis on related topics should contact the Head of the School or the prospective supervisor and the Secretary of the School (Dr. Emese Mogyoródi: mse@philo.u-szeged.hu) by e-mail well before the application to clarify whether they are eligible and/or could be provided supervision.

Beside classic in-depth historical studies of traditional Continental authors or periods, we also encourage and promote innovative, interdisciplinary research between traditional philosophy and other disciplines such as cultural studies, the philosophy of art or religious studies. We are well aware of the worldwide tendency of disciplinary atomization, yet are also convinced that innovative research often assumes interdisciplinary perspectives, methods and cooperation.


As a discipline at the borderline of arts subjects and some aspects of the social or even the natural or medical sciences, philosophy is perfectly able to assume such an integrating and synthetizing role among various disciplines. Hence, we highly encourage applicants of interdisciplinary interests within/ranging over any of the fields of study enlisted above. If you feel you do not fit into traditional disciplines, contact us to inquire whether we could offer customized supervision for you. Interdisciplinary research interest is not, however, required and we offer supervision for traditional and classic topics, authors, periods and disciplines in the history of philosophy or closely related to philosophy.


For further details on the School see:

