
Formal requirements:


1. MA degree in Philosophy/Ethics/Aesthetics/Cultural studies/Religious studies

2. English language intermediate level certified by an internationally accredited language examination (TOEFL/IELTS/GRE/Other)

3. for other formal requirements please consult:



Specific requirements of the Doctoral School of Philosophy:


Beside requirements and other documents specified by the Doctoral Institute, the Doctoral School of Philosophy requires candidates to submit the following documents:


1. CV (with a photo) listing studies and degrees (with dates and institutions), publications (if any), other professional activities (if any), fellowships and awards (if any), command of languages (oral or written, indicating proficiency levels).


2. written research proposal of about 700-1000 words (excluding bibliography) in their chosen fields of research.

The research proposal contains the (preliminary) title of the research to be pursued toward a doctoral thesis, status quaestionis, the motivations behind and rationale for, the research, some preliminary theses the candidate seeks to explore and/or support, a relevant bibliography of international scope, the name of the program the candidate wishes to study in, and the name of the prospective supervisor.

We expect candidates to submit a clear and feasible summary of their research topic to be pursued towards a thesis, which assumes fair acquiantance with the relevant primary literature and of mainstream secondary literature of international scope in their chosen fields of interest. We do not assign research topics on an ad hoc basis to candidates making an inquiry about our School. Candidates with no preliminary professional performance (publication, conference participation, conference organization, journal or book editing and the like) have a lower chance of being admitted. Publications need not be directly related to their research plans, but their relevance is an advantage.


3. letter of recommendation

Letters of recommendation are provided only to candidates with a feasible research plan to be submitted to our School well before application. Issue of such letters are also dependent on the avaliability of prospective supervisors in our School.


No candidate will be considered without a CV, research proposal and a letter of recommendation by a member of our School.


Preference is given to applicants with an MA degree primarily in philosophy, and secondarily to disciplines enlisted under the Formal requirements. In exceptional cases, we admit applicants without such degrees, provided their preliminary studies, research proposal and relevance of their degrees to their proposal qualify them for pursuing studies for a degree in philosophy.


Applicants admitted without an MA degree in philosophy are required to take from one to three supplementary exams to be completed in the first three semesters of the training. The number and the topic of exams are to be determined by the Doctoral Council on the basis of preliminary studies, degree(s) and other relevant information about the accomplishments of applicants.


The Doctoral School of Philosophy gives oral interviews (on Skype) only to candidates shortlisted on the basis of the evaluation of written documents submitted.


We highly encourage all applicants to contact Prof. Dr. Zoltán Gyenge, Head of the School and the Secretary of the School (Dr. Emese Mogyoródi: mse[at] before formal application to clarify eligibility and whether supervision can be provided.


For members of the School announcing research topics see:


Beside research topics announced annually, the members of the School also undertake supervision in research areas related to announced topics and/or their publications. For select publications see their personal data sheet by clicking on their names (on the above link), or for a full list of publications by searching their names at:


Applicants wishing to pursue research and write a thesis on related topics (not specifically announced before the application) should contact Prof. Zoltán Gyenge, Head of the School and the Secretary of the School (Dr. Emese Mogyoródi) by e-mail well before the application.