



2013. május 07.
1 perc


The MA program in American Studies is designed to provide students with an in-depth knowledge of the US, its society, history, cultures, and literatures. In the first stage of training, students take introductory courses in US literatures, history and culture, while later they have the opportunity to study intellectual history, political, popular and visual culture, Hungarian-US relations, gender, and identity. The rigorous coursework includes gaining knowledge of theoretical problems and research direction, the structure of US history and society in North America and majority and minority populations. The program is designed to develop student's abilities to analyze and process information in a critical manner. Research areas cover intellectual and cultural history, visual culture, and film studies. During the program there is a focus on developing skills of research and publication. Graduates of the Faculty usually choose their careers in cultural and public administration, tourism, international business, teaching, translation, journalism, academia, editing, diplomacy, international relations, media, project management or local government.


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