
The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is looking for performers at the graduation ceremony – Call for applications for students, lecturers and staff

Do you feel talented in something? Would you like to show off your skills in front of an audience of hundreds?

As a performer at the next graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, you can show your talent live and be part of the graduates' final celebration!

As part of the ceremony, the graduation experience is traditionally enriched by a performance alongside the welcoming speeches and the presentation of diplomas. We would like this experience to be offered to graduates by students, lecturers and staff associated with our Faculty.

We are looking for the performer at our graduation ceremony on 2 February 2024

Application requirements:

  • the applicant is current or former student, current lecturer or employee of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences;
  • has talent in singing, recitation, dance or instrumental music;
  • the prepared performance is 3-5 minutes long and matches the graduation atmosphere

Find out more about the event and venue:

  • the graduation will take place in TIK Congress Hall on 2 February 2024, starting at 10 am
  • the performance will take place on the stage, in an area of approximately 3 m2, during the first half hour of the event
  • dress code: formal (unless the production requires differently)

How to apply?

  • Make a recording of your production in the allowed 3-5 minutes,
  • send it to via Google Drive.
  • please include in the e-mail your name, degree and year/position, and a brief introduction, especially regarding your artistic background.


Rita Juratovics, a member of our faculty, was a successful performer at the 2023 Summer Graduation Ceremony.

What next?
From the applications received, the three best performances will be selected by the faculty management. These artists will be invited to a personal audition on Friday, 19 January 2024, and the performer(s) at the February graduation ceremony will be announced.

Friss Hírek

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Jókai Mór születésének 200. évfordulója alkalmából 2025. február 17–19. között „Voltam szeretve és voltam gyűlölve, mint talán senki más.” Jókai Mór öröksége: a Jókai-hagyaték és a magyar irodalmi hagyomány címmel tudományos és emlékkonferenciát rendez az Országos Széchényi Könyvtár, a BTK Irodalomtudományi Intézet, a Jókai 200 kutatócsoport és a Szegedi Tudományegyetem Irodalom- és Kultúratudományi Doktori Iskolája. A konferenciának a budapesti Országos Széchényi Könyvtár ad otthont.