

Psychology BA

Psychology BA

2024. július 15.
4 perc


Why to choose us?

The Institute’s size and its commitment to excellence in teaching and research mean that it is dedicated to training professionals who will possess the essential theoretical and practical knowledge, the fundamental methods of psychology, and who are familiar with the applied areas of psychology on a basic level.

A Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology is not a psychologist qualification in itself since a Master’s Degree in Psychology is required for that. However, BA graduates can also work in that field. A BA degree is an advantage in organizations where education, development, leadership, behavior correction and healing, or rehabilitation activities take place.

The competitive sector provides more and more opportunities for finding employment after graduation. Yet, the majority of BA graduates wish to continue their studies at the Master’s level. It is important to know that only students with a BA degree in Psychology can apply for a Master’s programme in Psychology.

The Institute plans to establish an MA programme in Psychology in the future.


What can you learn here?

Psychology is the science of understanding human behavior; therefore, it is not surprising that it enjoys great popularity among people. It is one of the most varied applied sciences that keeps up with life and aims to find solutions for every current human problem and situation (see plenty of fields where psychology is applied, for instance, sport psychology and catastrophe psychology). Then, those who choose to study psychology will acquire marketable and useful knowledge and skills, which can be the basis of several paths in the profession in the future.

The 6-semesters-long psychology BA programme provides an introduction to the core fields of psychology: developmental psychology, social psychology, personality psychology and cognitive psychology (which deals with the phenomena of perception, thinking, memory and language). Besides the core fields, students can get acquainted with psychologist professions and the applied fields of psychology. Moreover, there is a great emphasis on the introduction of the methodology of psychology to students. That includes communication skills, reading and comprehending specialized academic literature, developing self-awareness, and general intellectual skills such as academic thinking, problem-solving, and writing skills. The studies also give an introduction to other sciences related to psychology, for example, communication, ethics, law, statistics, and informatics.

The programme consists of lectures with peers and seminars in small groups of students. In the fifth semester, students conduct independent research in a workshop course with the guidance of a lecturer and the help of the knowledge acquired from the previously completed courses.


Where can you work after graduation?

The Human Behavior Analyst (BA) degree, besides it is a precondition for the application for the Master’s programme, is a qualification in itself. Graduates can find employment with a BA degree in Psychology in several fields, for instance, commerce, finance, sport, entertainment, etc. However, it is important to mention that limited professional tasks and competencies can be fulfilled if BA graduates wish to do psychology-related work after graduation. BA graduates need to be aware of the tasks they are entitled to do and what the boundaries are.

Overall, the Human Behavior Analyst (BA) degree entitles graduates to do certain basic tasks in their profession. If an individual with a BA degree aims to work in a profession related to psychology, they can perform certain tasks independently but some tasks can be done only with supervision.


How to apply to our programme?

During your application on, put the Psychology in English BA program by University of Szeged in the first place. For the requirements, please visit

For Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship visit the University’s page.


University of Szeged, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Institute of Psychology

Hungary, 6722 Szeged, Egyetem u. 2.


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