Anglisztika BA; amerikanisztika specializáció; angol osztatlan tanárszak

Confidence Men and Painted Women: The Making of the American Middle-Class

Időpont: 12:00–12:20

Terem: X. terem (földszint, főbejárattól balra)

Előadó: Dr. Vajda Zoltán

Ezeket a szakokat/specializációkat ismerheted meg itt jobban: anglisztika, amerikanisztika

This is a class in US history designed to introduce students to the cultural changes that took place in the first half of the nineteenth-century generating new cultural norms for the rising urban middle classes. Topics to be discussed: economic and social changes in the American Republic, rising fear of strangers in cities, sincerety and hypocrisy as ways of human conduct, sentimentalism and fashion, parlor games.


How to keep your head on in Henry VIII’s court? Entertainment, drama history and political analysis

Időpont: 12:30–12:50

Terem: X. terem (földszint, főbejárattól balra)

Előadó: Dr. Sávai-Matuska Ágnes

Ezeket a szakokat/specializációkat ismerheted meg itt jobban: anglisztika

The lecture will give an insight into the moment of drama and theatre history that preceded Shakespeare’s time and the emergence and boom of public theatre life. The example used will be a fun but politically risqué comedy written by John Heywood, entertainer and political advisor to king Henry VIII. The playtext is also a model revealing the magical workings of literature: understanding, questioning, and inspiring social reality.


All News is Fake News? - How to find Information in the Age of the New Media

Időpont: 13:00–13:20

Terem: X. terem (földszint, főbejárattól balra)

Előadó: Dr. Bocsor Péter

Ezeket a szakokat/specializációkat ismerheted meg itt jobban: Anglisztika BA

The new media has changed the ways by which we receive information about the world and made everyone a potential newscaster, but it has also made us cautious about how we select and interpret our news sources. The mini lecture will use the media representation of the ongoing war in Ukraine as an illustration of the choices we need to make in order to select credible sources, identify relevant information, and recognize forms of manipulation, such as political propaganda or psychological operations.

Friss Hírek

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William Shakespeare szonettjeinek új magyar fordítását is bemutatták a 95. Ünnepi Könyvhéten. Június 14-én az SZTE Klebelsberg Könyvtárban Prof. Dr. Szőnyi György Endre, az SZTE BTK Angol Tanszék oktatója beszélgetett a kötet fordítójával, Fazekas Sándorral.