Personal data
Name: Dr. Zsuzsanna Cziráki
Birth: Békéscsaba, 10th of September 1980 (Hungary)
Citizenship: Hungarian
Office: Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Habsburg and Balkan Studies, Hollandstraße 11-13, A-1020 Vienna, Austria
Qualifications: BA and MA in History and in German Language and Literature (2004, University of Szeged); PhD in History (2011, University of Szeged)
Academic milestones and positions
Current positions: 1. Postdoctoral researcher, IHB ÖAW, Austria 2. Assistant professor, Institute for History, Department for the Medieval and Early Modern History of Hungary, University of Szeged, Hungary (sabbatical)
Magyar Történelmi Társulat (Hungarian Historical Society); Premodern Diplomats Network; Joint member of the COST-European Cooperation in Science and Technology Programme “Islamic Legacy: Narratives East, West, South, North of the Mediterranean (1350–1750)” CA18129; Institut für die Erforschung der Neuzeit (Austria, Vienna); External Member of Forschungsschwerpunkt „Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Europawissenschaften“ at the University of Vienna.
Main areas of research
Period: early modern history
Area: Habsburg Monarchy, Ottoman Empire, East Central Europe (especially the Kingdom of Hungary and the Principality of Transylvania), Spanish Monarchy
Topics: urban history of the Saxon cities in Transylvania, relation between autonomous communities and central power; cultural history of diplomacy, peacekeeping and conflict management, historical source edition on Ottoman-Habsburg diplomatic relations in the 16th and 17th centuries (both traditional source edition and digital edition)
Language and IT skills
Hungarian (native), German (fluent), English (excellent command), Spanish (good command), Romanian (basic), Latin (reading), Italian (reading)
Good command of the digital tools Oxygen XML Editor, Gephi, Palladio.
For general overview see:
1. Autonóm közösség és központi hatalom. Udvar, fejedelem és város viszonya a Bethlen-kori Brassóban. [Autonomous Community and Central Power. The Relationship between Court, Prince and Town in Kronstadt (Transylvania) during the Rule of Prince Gabriel Bethlen.] Budapest: University Press ELTE BTK, 2011. 268 p.
(ISBN: 978-963-284-228-8)
Selected articles
2. Negotiation Techniques and Strategies of the Habsburg Diplomacy at the Sublime Porte during the Peace Negotiations in 1649. In: Dorothea Nolde (ed.): “Conflict Management in Diplomacy”, Palgrave Macmillan, (forthcoming).
3. “Mein gueter, väterlicher Maister” – Wissensübertragung unter Diplomaten der kaiserlichen Interessenvertretung an der Hohen Pforte in der ersten Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunderts. In: Chronica: Annual of the Institute of Szeged 19 (2019) (forthcoming).
4. A város a vidék szemében: Brassó és környezete a 17. század első évtizedeiben [The Town in the Eyes of the Land: Kronstadt/Braşov in the First Decades of the 17th Century]. In: Korall: Társadalomtörténeti folyóirat 20:78 (2019) 39–113.
5. The Memory of Authority: Notes on the Grave on a Habsburg Ambassador in Constantinople from the year 1654. In: Archivum Ottomanicum 35 (2018) 1–15.
6. Making Decisions at the Imperial Court in Vienna Related to the Election Procedure of the Resident Ambassador Simon Reniger von Renningen (1649–1666) in Constantinople. In: Archivum Ottomanicum 33 (2016) 91–99.
7. Language Students and Interpreters at the Mid-seventeenth-century Habsburg Embassy in Constantinople. In: Theatrum Historiae – Historical Journal of the University of Pardubice. 19 (2016) 27–44.
8. Követ vagy szélhámos? A Habsburg diplomácia útvesztői egy konstantinápolyi gyilkosság tükrében [Ambassador or Impostor? The Labyrinths of the Habsburg Diplomacy in the context of a homicide in Constantinople]. In: Aetas: Történettudományi folyóirat 31:3 (2016) 22–39.
9. Bewirtung ausländischer Legationen in den sächsischen Städten des Fürstentums Siebenbürgen im Lichte der städtischen Rechnungen (1613–1629), In: Historia Urbana 23 (2015) 189–201.
10. Das Siebenbürgen-Konzept der Kriegspartei in Wien von 1611 bis 1616 anhand der schriftlichen Gutachten von Melchior Khlesl. In: Zsolt K. Lengyel (ed.): Ungarn-Jahrbuch. München, 2014. 139–179.
In Hungarian: Erdély szerepe Melchior Khlesl fennmaradt írásos véleményeiben 1611–1616 között. In: Gábor Kármán – Kees Teszelszky (ed.): Bethlen Gábor és Európa. Budapest, 2013. 77–102.
Additional research achievements
Research projects:
1. ÖAD (=Austrian Agency for International Mobility and Cooperation) Richard-Plaschka-Stipendium at the Institute for Habsburg and Balkan Studies at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, project title: “Seventeenth-century Imperial Interpreters for Oriental Languages in Vienna and Constantinople” (supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Arno Strohmeyer)
2. Cooperation in the research project “The Mediality of Diplomatic Communication: Habsburg Envoys in Constantinople in the middle of the 17th Century” at the University of Salzburg, funded by the Austrian Science Fund, headed by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Arno Strohmeyer at the University of Salzburg (2017–2021)
3. Cooperation in the research project “Edition of the Peace Treaties between the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Hungary/the Habsburg Monarchy in the 15–18th Centuries” at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, funded by the Ministry for Technology and Innovation in Hungary, headed by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sándor Papp (2018–2022)
4. Joint researcher in the research project “Everyday Life and Imperial Politics in the Köprülü Era – Edition of the Regular Reports of Resident Ambassador Simon Reniger von Renningen in Constantinople (1649–1666)” at the University of Szeged, funded by the Hungarian Research Council (OTKA/NKFI K 109070), headed by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sándor Papp (2013–2018).
Selected conference papers:
1. Osmanische Delegationen in Kronstadt: Bewirtung und Geschenke. Das Fürstentum Siebenbürgen im 17. Jahrhundert im Kontext des Transottomanica- Beziehungsgeflechts. Internationale Tagung des Transottomanica Netzwerks und des Leibniz-Institutes für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Europa (GWZO), Landau/Pfalz, 5th–7th October 2019.
2. Ausbildung und Karriere der kaiserlichen Dolmetscher für orientalische Sprachen im 17. Jahrhundert. Mehrsprachigkeit in der Habsburgermonarchie 1500–1918. Jahrestagung der Matthias-Kramer-Gesellschaft, Vienna, 27th – 28th June 2019.
3. The Silent Language of Robes: The Semiotics of Dresses in Seventeenth-Century Habsburg Diplomatic Missions at the Sublime Porte. The Gestures of Diplomacy, Université Jean Jaurés, Toulouse, 30th – 31st May 2019.
4. Negotiation techniques and strategies of the Habsburg diplomacy at the Sublime Porte during the peace negotiations of 1649. Conflict Management in Modern Diplomacy (1500–1914), Institut für Geschichte Universität Wien, Vienna, 8th – 10th February 2018.
5. Secret Diplomacy between Madrid and Vienna in the Context of a Mid-seventeenth-century Homicide in Constantinople. Diplomatic Correspondence and Information Exchange – Nova Unversidad de Lisboa, Lisbon, 28th – 30th September 2017.
6. The Mid-seventeenth-century Career of a Resident Ambassador Habsburg’s at the Ottoman Porte. Diplomats and Diplomacy in the Early Modern World: Diplomatic Personnel, University of Pardubice, Prague, 29th September – 1st October 2016.