2025. March 10., Monday

PhD School of Philosophy

Our program is an integral part of the development of nearly a century’s tradition of philosophical research at the University of Szeged, focusing on the history of Continental philosophy from the ancient Greeks through the Middle Ages, Early Modernity and German Idealism to 20th century currents of philosophy such as hermeneutics, phenomenology, existentialism, applied philosophy or pragmatism. The Sub-Programs of the School are the following:

1. Metaphysics and Criticisms of Metaphysics

2. Ethics, Social Theory and Applied Philosophy

3. Philosophy of Art

4. Philosophy of Culture

5. Philosophy of Religion

These programs represent the institutionalized framework of our interdisciplinary profile, offering specialization on any of the above disciplines. Our speciality is variety in the tradition of Continental philosophy and in some current philosophical disciplines enlisted above. For a range of topics currently offered for supervision by our faculty see:


Members of the school also undertake the supervision of topics related to their publications. See: http://www.doktori.hu/index.php?menuid=189&lang=EN&tip=O&diID=154

Graduates usually choose their careers in cultural and public administration, PR and media, international business companies, teaching, translation, journalism, academia, editing, diplomacy, international relations, project management, local government, NGOs, web design, online media, theater and fine art management, museum curatorship, etc.

Level of the programme: PhD

Duration of the programme: 4+4 semesters

Registered in: EU

Credits: 240

Who should apply?

We expect applicants to be interested in philosophy, ethics, aesthetics, philosophical aspects of cultural studies, fine art or the theory of religion. We highly encourage applicants with an interdisciplinary interest among any of the above mentioned fields of study.

Application requirements: MA degree in philosophy/ethics/aethetics/religious studies, a demonstrated proficiency in English (B2/Intermediate), CV (with photo), an online (Skype) entrance exam (for shortlisted candidates only), and a detailed research plan (of 500-800 words, excluding bibliography).

Start of the programme: September of each year

Tuition fee: 3500 EUR per semester (Please kindly note that after being accepted, non-EU applicants will need to pay 2 semesters' tuition fee together for the first academic year. For further information, you can contact us at: internationaloffice.btk@szte.hu)

Other fees: 79 EUR application fee (non-refundable) and 250 EUR entrance exam fee (non-refundable)

For further information on the program please contact Dr. Emese Mogyoródi at mse@philo.u-szeged.hu. For further details of the Program see: http://www.arts.u-szeged.hu/philo/doktori-iskola

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