Number of the required credits to obtain the PhD degree: at least 240 credits
Code | Title of the Course | Class/
Week |
Type | Credit |
ALTP-O111 | Research 1 | 2 | Consultation – Practice | 10 |
ALTP-O121 | Comparative and historical Turkic phonetics | 2 | Lecture | 5 |
ALTP-O125 | Philological analysis of Altaic texts (Old Turkic) | 2 | Lecture | 5 |
ALTP-OP211 or SZV212 | Optional course | 2 | Practice. or Lecture | 4 |
ALTP-OP222 | Research seminar | 2 | Seminar | 4 |
Code | Title of the Course | Class/Week | Type of the Class | Credit |
ALTP-O112 | Research 2 | 2 | Consultation – Practice | 10 |
ALTP-O122 | Comparative and historical Turkic morphology | 2 | Lecture | 5 |
ALTP-O 125 | Philological analysis of Altaic texts (Middle Turkic and Mongolian) | 2 | Lecture | 5 |
ALTP-OP211 or SZV212 | Optional course | 2 | Practice or Lecture | 4 |
ALTP-OP223 | Research seminar | 2 | Seminar | 4 |
Code | Title of the Course | Class/Week | Type of the Class | Credit |
ALTP-O113 | Research 3 | 2 | Consultation – Practice | 25 |
ALTP-O123 | Comparative and historical Mongolistics | 2 | Lecture | 5 |
Code | Title of the Course | Class/Week | Type of the Class | Credit |
ALTP-O114 | Research 4 | Consultation – Practice | 25 | |
ALTP-O124 | Comparative Altaistics | 2 | Lecture | 5 |
Elective courses
Code | Title of the Course | Class/Week | Type of the Class | Credit |
ALTP-OP23 | Conference presentation | 12 | ||
ALTP-OP231 | Poster presentation in Hungarian | 2 | Consultation – Practice | 1 |
ALTP-OP232 | Poster presentation in a foreign language | 2 | Consultation – Practice | 2 |
ALTP-OP232 | Oral conference presentation in Hungarian | 2 | Consultation – Practice | 4 |
ALTP-OP232 | Oral conference presentation in a foreign language | 2 | Consultation – Practice | 5 |
ALTP-OP24 | Teching | 1 or 2 | Practice | 2 or 4 (min. 6) |
ALTP-OP25 | Paper published or accepted for publication | Consultation – Practice | 4 or 5 (min. 9) | |
LANG-HFL | Hungarian as a foreign language for international students | Seminar | 0 |
ALTP-O131 | Complex exam | – | – | – |
5. semester
Code | Title of the Course | Class/Week | Type of the Class | Credit |
ALTP-O311 | Research 5. | 2 | Consultation – Practice | 25 |
ALTP-OP411 | Research seminar with the dissertation advisor | 2 | Consultation – Practice | 4 |
Code | Title of the Course | Class/Week | Type of the Class | Credit |
ALTP-O312 | Research 6. | 2 | Consultation – Practice | 25 |
ALTP-OP412 | Research seminar with the dissertation advisor | 2 | Consultation – Practice | 4 |
Code | Title of the Course | Class/Week | Type of the Class | Credit |
ALTP-O313 | Research 7. | 2 | Consultation – Practice | 25 |
Code | Title of the Course | Class/Week | Type of the Class | Credit |
ALTP-O314 | Research 8. | 2 | Consultation – Practice | 25 |
Elective courses
Code | Title of the Course | Class/Week | Type of the Class | Credit |
ALTP-OP42 | Conference presentation | 12 | ||
ALTP-OP2421 | Poster presentation in Hungarian | 2 | Consultation – Practice | 1 |
ALTP-OP2422 | Poster presentation in a foreign language | 2 | Consultation – Practice | 2 |
ALTP-OP2423 | Oral conference presentation in Hungarian | 2 | Consultation – Practice | 4 |
ALTP-OP2424 | Oral conference presentation in a foreign language | 2 | Consultation – Practice | 5 |
ALTP-OP43 | Teching | 1 or 2 | Practice | 2 or 4 (min. 6) |
ALTP-OP44 | Paper published or accepted for publication | Consultation – Practice | 4 or 5 (min. 9) | |
LANG-HFL | Hungarian as a foreign language for international students | Seminar | 0 |
Az MTA rendes tagja az elismeréssel egyúttal a Török Tudományos Akadémia (TÜBA) tiszteleti tagja is lett.
Róna-Tas András, tanszékünk alapítója kapta idén a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia szegedi bizottságának Pro Scientia életműdíját.
Prof. Dr. Hendrik Erik Boeschoten (Hilversum, 1950. 09.15.), a mainzi egyetem emeritus professzora 2024. február 18-án elhunyt.
Tanszékünknek a 90-es évektől kezdődően szoros kapcsolata volt vele, személyében kitűnő kollégát, jó barátot veszítettünk el.
Emlékét megőrizzük, nyugodjék békében!