Common preparatory courses of the Faculty (Folklore, Linguistics, Philosophy, Sociology, Library and Informatics) 2 hours/week 10 credits
Code | Title of the Course | Class/Week | Type of the Class | Credit |
ALT-UK101 | Introduction to Oriental Studies | 2 | Lecture | 4 |
ALT-US131 | Turkish Language 1. | 5 | Practice | 5 |
ALT-US151 | Turkish: Descriptive Grammar 1 | 1 | Lecture | 2 |
ALT-US141 | Introduction to Altaic Studies 1 | 2 | Lecture | 3 |
ALT-UB11 | Cultural History of Oriental Peoples 2 | 2 | Seminar | 3 |
Code | Title of the Course | Class/Week | Type of the Class | Credit |
ALT-UK1021 | Oriental Languages, Writing Systems and Religions | 2 | Lecture | 3 |
ALT-UK1022 | Oriental Languages, Writing Systems and Religions | 2 | Seminar | 3 |
ALT-US132 | Turkish Language 2. | 5 | Practice | 5 |
ALT-US152 | Turkish: Descriptive Grammar 2 | 1 | Lecture | 2 |
ALT-US142 | Introduction to Altaic Studies 1 | 2 | Lecture | 3 |
ALT-UB41 | Turkic Elements of Hungarian Language | 2 | Lecture | 2 |
ALT-UB12 | Cultural History of Oriental Peoples 2 | 2 | Seminar | 3 |
ALT-UB31 | History and Culture | 2 | Lecture | 2 |
Code | Title of the Course | Class/Week | Type of the Class | Credit |
ALT-UK1031 | History of Oriental Peoples (Pre- Mongol Age) | 2 | Lecture | 2 |
ALT-US133 | Turkish Language 3. | 4 | Practice | 4 |
ALT-US153 | Turkish: Descriptive Grammar 3 | 1 | Lecture | 2 |
ALT-US161 | Turkish Language Practice 1 | 2 | Practice | 3 |
ALT-US1012 |
Second Altaic Language: Kazakh OR Buryat | 2 | Seminar | 3 |
ALT-UB1021 | Seminar on Oriental Studies 1 | 2 | Seminar | 3 |
Code | Title of the Course | Class/Week | Type of the Class | Credit |
ALT-UK1032 | History of Oriental Peoples (Mongol Age) | 2 | Lecture | 2 |
ALT-US134 | Turkish Language 4. | 4 | Practice | 4 |
ALT-US154 | Turkish: Descriptive Grammar 4 | 1 | Lecture | 2 |
ALT-US162 | Turkish Language Practice 2 | 2 | Practice | 3 |
ALT-US1022 |
Second Altaic Language: Kazakh OR Buryat | 2 | Seminar | 3 |
ALT-UB1022 | Seminar on Oriental Studies 2 | 2 | Seminar | 3 |
Code | Title of the Course | Class/Week | Type of the Class | Credit |
Alt-B91 | Seminar on Final Thesis 1 | 2 | Seminar | 2 |
ALT-UK1033 | History of Oriental Peoples (Modern Age) | 2 | Lecture | 2 |
ALT-US163 | Turkish Language Practice 3 | 2 | Practice | 3 |
ALT-US1032 |
Second Altaic Language: Kazakh OR Buryat | 2 | Seminar | 3 |
ALT-US1052 |
Second Altaic Language: Buryat Language Practice OR
Kazakh Language Practice |
2 | Practice | 2 |
ALT-UB1023 | Seminar on Oriental Studies 3 | 2 | Seminar | 3 |
ALT-US121 | Turkish Translation Practice 1 | 2 | Practice | 3 |
Code | Title of the Course | Class/Week | Type of the Class | Credit |
Alt-B92 | Seminar on Final Thesis 2 | 2 | Seminar | 2 |
ALT-UK1034 | History of Oriental Peoples (Ottoman Period) | 2 | Lecture | 2 |
ALT-US164 | Turkish Language Practice 4 | 2 | Practice | 3 |
ALT-US1042 |
Second Altaic Language: Kazakh OR Buryat | 2 | Seminar | 3 |
ALT-US1062 |
Second Altaic Language: Kazakh Translation Practice OR Buryat Translation Practice | 2 | Practice | 2 |
ALT-UB1024 | Seminar on Oriental Studies 4 | 2 | Seminar | 3 |
ALT-US122 | Turkish Translation Practice 2 | 2 | Practice | 3 |
Freely elected courses
Code | Title of the Course | Class/Week | Type of the Class | Credit |
ALT-USZV11 | Old Turkic Text Reading | 2 | Seminar | 2 |
ALT-USZV12 | Middle Turkic Text reading | 2 | Seminar | 2 |
ALT-USZV13 | Introduction to a Modern Turkic language | 3 | Lecture | 3 |
ALT-USZV14 | Introduction to a Modern Mongolic Language | 3 | Lecture | 3 |
ALT-USZV15 | Mongolian Text Reading Practice | 2 | Seminar | 2 |
ALT-USZV16 | History of Turkic Peoples | 3 | Lecture | 3 |
ALT-USZV17 | Academic Articles in Russian | 2 | Seminar | 2 |
Az MTA rendes tagja az elismeréssel egyúttal a Török Tudományos Akadémia (TÜBA) tiszteleti tagja is lett.
Róna-Tas András, tanszékünk alapítója kapta idén a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia szegedi bizottságának Pro Scientia életműdíját.
Prof. Dr. Hendrik Erik Boeschoten (Hilversum, 1950. 09.15.), a mainzi egyetem emeritus professzora 2024. február 18-án elhunyt.
Tanszékünknek a 90-es évektől kezdődően szoros kapcsolata volt vele, személyében kitűnő kollégát, jó barátot veszítettünk el.
Emlékét megőrizzük, nyugodjék békében!