Erasmus Courses offered by the Faculty of Humanities, University of Szeged, Spring Semester, from February to June 2025

Erasmus Courses offered by the Faculty of Humanities, University of Szeged, Spring Semester, from February to June 2025

2024. június 04.
11 perc

More details about the courses (level of study, credits, language of instruction, course type, assessment mode, hours/week, minimum number of students, language proficieny requirements, other relevant information for course registration): download here!

Department/Institute Neptun code of the course Title in Neptun (i.e. electronic database at SZTE) Title in English (if the original title is not English)
Philosophy YSE_BTK011-FIL14 Nietzsche's Philosophy Nietzsche's Philosophy
Study of Religions YSE_BTK011-ReligAllArUs Religion is all around us Religion is all around us
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00389 Introduction to Popular Culture and Media Introduction to Popular Culture and Media
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-0208 Women’s Humor in American Culture Women’s Humor in American Culture
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00513 Early Modern Britain Early Modern Britain
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-ANG0056 American History Survey 1: Colonies to Early American History American History Survey 1: Colonies to Early American History
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00134 Descriptive Grammar and the Syntax of English Descriptive Grammar and the Syntax of English
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-ANG06 English Phonetics and Phonology English Phonetics and Phonology
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00688 Introduction to Linguistics Introduction to Linguistics
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00127 Introduction to Psycholinguistics Introduction to Psycholinguistics
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00745 Introduction to Sociopragmatics Introduction to Sociopragmatics
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00218 Second Language Acquisition Second Language Acquisition
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00135 England in the High Middle Ages: Middle English Culture and Literature England in the High Middle Ages: Middle English Culture and Literature
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00317 The Literary Fantastic The Literary Fantastic
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00520 Late nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century American Literature Late nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century American Literature
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-ANG0011 Across Languages, Minds and Cultures: Discovering Applied Cognitive Linguistics Across Languages, Minds and Cultures: Discovering Applied Cognitive Linguistics
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-ANG0021 The Bilingual Individual The Bilingual Individual
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-ANG0068 Language, Ecology and Gender: Case Studies in Discourse Analysis Language, Ecology and Gender: Case Studies in Discourse Analysis
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-01172 Multilingualism in the United States Multilingualism in the United States
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00067 Pragmatics and Identity Pragmatics and Identity
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00793 Bodies Re/Presented: Gendered Identities in Visual Culture Bodies Re/Presented: Gendered Identities in Visual Culture
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00776 Race/Ethnicity, Class and Gender Race/Ethnicity, Class and Gender
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00336 Contemporary American Fiction Contemporary American Fiction
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00289 American Intellectual History American Intellectual History
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00050 The Thomas Jefferson Seminar The Thomas Jefferson Seminar
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-ANG12 Approaches to US Cultural and Intellectual History Approaches to US Cultural and Intellectual History
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-ANG04 Film Semiotics. The American Film Film Semiotics. The American Film
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00918 Theories and Histories of Literature and Culture: From the Beginnings to the Rise of Modernism Theories and Histories of Literature and Culture: From the Beginnings to the Rise of Modernism
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-ANG0060 Cognitive Science Perspectives on Bi- and Multilingualism Cognitive Science Perspectives on Bi- and Multilingualism
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00564 Introduction to Applied Linguistics Introduction to Applied Linguistics
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00948 Investigating Spoken Language Investigating Spoken Language
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-ANG0061 Language Contact Language Contact
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-ANG14 Sociocultural Theory of Mind and Second Language Learning Sociocultural Theory of Mind and Second Language Learning
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00168 The digital turn: new research methods in the humanities The digital turn: new research methods in the humanities
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-ANG11 Introduction to Gender Studies Introduction to Gender Studies
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-ANG10 Subjectivity and the Gendered Body Subjectivity and the Gendered Body
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-ANG0062 Explorations into the Worlds of Contemporary British Historical Novel & Climate Fiction Explorations into the Worlds of Contemporary British Historical Novel & Climate Fiction
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-ANG07 The Long Eighteenth Century The Long Eighteenth Century
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00348 Forging National Culture and Identity Forging National Culture and Identity
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-00214 English Renaissance Drama and Cultures of Performance English Renaissance Drama and Cultures of Performance
English and American Studies YSE_BTK011-ANG0038 Imperialism, Nationalism and 20th-Century Britain Imperialism, Nationalism and 20th-Century Britain
Altaic Studies YSE_BTK011-ALT0029 The History of Ottoman Empire The History of Ottoman Empire
Altaic Studies YSE_BTK011-00533 Introduction to an Endangered Turkic Language: Karaim Introduction to an Endangered Turkic Language: Karaim
Altaic Studies YSE_BTK011-ALT0015 Ottoman historical text reading Ottoman historical text reading
Altaic Studies YSE_BTK011-ALT0027 Early Turkic-Hungarian Contacts Early Turkic-Hungarian Contacts
Altaic Studies YSE_BTK011-ALT0017 History of Turkic Literatures History of Turkic Literatures
Altaic Studies YSE_BTK011-ALT0033 History of Turkish Movies History of Turkish Movies
Hungarian Studies center XSE031-00510 YSE_BTK011-HunInEuHist Hungarian history 1848-present Hungarian history 1848-present
Hungarian Studies center XSE031-HunLit YSE_BTK011-00610 Hungarian Literature Hungarian Literature
Hungarian Studies center XSE031-00471 YSE_BTK011-HUNG014 Hungarian Cultural history: the Visual Arts of Hungary Hungarian Cultural history: the Visual Arts of Hungary
Hungarian Studies center XSE031-CarpBasinCult Cultural Geography of the Carpathian basin Cultural Geography of the Carpathian basin
Hungarian Studies center XSE041-HunLanL1BegS YSE_BTK011-HunLanL1BegS Hungarian language 1. level (beginner) S Hungarian language 1. level (beginner) S
Hungarian Studies center XSE041-HunLanL3IntS YSE_BTK011-HunLanL3IntS Hungarian language 3. level (intermediate) S Hungarian language 3. level (intermediate) S
Italian Studies XSE061-ItTört Storia generale d'Italia History of Italy
Italian Studies XSE061-LitCultHist_5_S Storia della letteratura italiana V. (Ottocento: da Foscolo a Manzoni) Italian Literary History 5 (18th century: da Foscolo a Manzoni)
Italian Studies XSE061-LitCultHist_6_L Lectura Dantesca Literary Works by Dante
Italian Studies XSE061-OlCivIsm-II Civiltá italiana II. (Cinema e teatro italiano) Italian Cinema and Dramatic Arts
Italian Studies XSE061-TrendItaLitCult Tendenze correnti e scuole nella letteratura italiana New trends in Contemporary Italian Literature
Italian Studies XSE061-ItaLit_I_L Letteratura contemporanea Contemporary Italian Literature
Italian Studies XSE061-HistEstPhil Filosofia ed estetica italiana Italian Philosophy and Aesthetics
Hispanic Studies XSE041-00041 Historia de Hispanoamérica History of Spanish America
Hispanic Studies XSE041-SpanRomRel El romanticismo y realismo en España Spanish Romanticism and Realism
Hispanic Studies XSE041-00595 El mundo hispánico de hoy 2 (Hispanoamérica) Contemporary Hispanic World 2
Hispanic Studies XSE041-HistSpanL Historia breve de la lengua española Brief History of the Spanish Language
Hispanic Studies XSE041-SpanHistGram Gramática histórica española Spanish Historical Grammar lecture
Hispanic Studies XSE041-SpanLitOfGA Literatura espanola del Siglo de Oro Spanish Literature of the Golden Age
Hispanic Studies YSE_BTK011-hisp005 Introducción a la pragmática Introduction to Pragmatics
Hispanic Studies YSE_BTK011-hisp007 Narrativa hispanoamericana del siglo XX Spanish American Prose from the 20th century until today
Hispanic Studies YSE_BTK011-hisp018 El cine del mundo hispánico Cinema of the Hispanic World
Hispanic Studies YSE_BTK011-hisp021 Emigración a Hispanoamérica Immingrants in Spanish America
Hispanic Studies YSE_BTK011-hisp024 Cuentos hispanos Hispanic Short Stories
Hispanic Studies YSE_BTK011-hisp027 Hungría en español Hungary in Spanish
Hispanic Studies XSE051-RSPN22-22 Morfosintaxis del español Spanish Morphosyntax
Hispanic Studies YSE_BTK011-hisp030 Análisis filológico de textos medievales Philological Analysis of Medieval Texts
French Studies XSE041-FRANSPEC_2_BA Francophonies dans le temps et dans l'espace 2 French-Speaking Communities in the World Across Time and Place 2
French Studies XSE041-Lexico Lexicologie Lexicology
French Studies XSE041-FrSpLit_2 Littératures francophones 2 Literatures of the French-speaking world 2
French Studies XSE041-FrLittText L'univers du texte littéraire Litterary Texts
French Studies XSE041-FrSpIKM_2 Médiations interculturelles francophones 2 Intercultural Mediations in French Language 2
French Studies XSE041-MorphSynt Morphologie et syntaxe Morphology and Syntax
French Studies XSE041-TextImag_2 Texte et image 2 Literary Texts and Images 2
French Studies XSE041-TextImag_4 Texte et image 4 Literary Texts and Images 4
French Studies XSE051-ContFrAPopC Art contemporain et culture populaire francophones Contemporary French Speaking Art and Pop Culture
French Studies XSE051-CultMed_1 Culture et médialité 1 Literature, Culture and Mediality 1
French Studies XSE051-FRANSPEC_2_MA Francophonies dans le temps et dans l'espace 2 French-Speaking Communities in the World Across Time and Place 2
French Studies XSE051-FrModPmodGen_3_MA Genres, codes, modernes et postmodernes 3 Modern and Postmodern Genres 3
French Studies XSE051-LingPragCultV Pragmatique linguistique et variations culturelles Linguistic pragmatics and cultural variations
French Studies XSE051-PMLitTheo Théories et critiques postmodernes Postmodern Literary Theories
French Studies XSE041-CinClub2 Ciné-Club 2 Ciné-Club 2
Institute of Education XSE031-CurricStand Curricula and standards Curricula and standards
Institute of Education XSE031-ESMA-ECE01 A Problem-Based Overview of the History of Education A Problem-Based Overview of the History of Education
Institute of Education XSE031-ESMA-ECE02 Skills Development in Early Childhood Skills Development in Early Childhood
Institute of Education ESMA-ECE04; XSE031-PsychEChildh_Eng Psychology of Early Childhood Psychology of Early Childhood
Institute of Education XSE031-ESMA-0404 Development of Skills and Abilities Development of Skills and Abilities
Institute of Education ESMA-ECE12; XSE0331-FCogSkills Fostering Cognitive Skills Fostering Cognitive Skills
Slavic Studies YSE_BTK011-SLA004 Az orosz beszédkészség fejlesztése 4. A. csoport Russian communication skills 4. Group A.
Slavic Studies YSE_BTK011-SLA004 Az orosz beszédkészség fejlesztése 4. B. csoport Russian communication skills 4. Group B.
Slavic Studies YSE_BTK011-SLA010 Orosz nyelvtani gyakorlatok 2. A. csoport Russian grammar 4. Group A.
Slavic Studies YSE_BTK011-SLA010 Orosz nyelvtani gyakorlatok 2. B. csoport Russian grammar 4. Group B.
Slavic Studies YSE_BTK011-SLA016 Orosz szövegolvasás és szövegalkotás 4. A. csoport Russian reading and writing 4. Group A.
Slavic Studies YSE_BTK011-SLA016 Orosz szövegolvasás és szövegalkotás 4. B. csoport Russian reading and writing 4. Group B.
Slavic Studies YSE_BTK011-SLA006 Az orosz beszédkészség fejlesztése 6. Russian communication skills 6.
Slavic Studies YSE_BTK011-SLA012 Orosz nyelvtani gyakorlatok 4. Russian grammar 6.
Slavic Studies YSE_BTK011-SLA018 Orosz szövegolvasás és szövegalkotás 6. Russian reading and writing 6.
German Studies YSE_BTK011-GER-13 Deutschsprachige Literatur des 18. Jahrhunderts German Literature in the 18th Century
German Studies YSE_BTK011-GER-15 Syntax Syntax
German Studies YSE_BTK011-GER-26 Literaturseminar Literature Seminar
German Studies YSE_BTK011-GER-28 Morphologie Morphology
German Studies YSE_BTK011-GER-38 Sprachübung Deutsch B2+ German Language Skills B2+
German Studies YSE_BTK011-GER-16 Pragmalinguistik Pragmalinguistics
German Studies YSE_BTK011-GER-17 Psycho- und Soziolinguistik Psycholinguistics and Sociolinguistics
German Studies YSE_BTK011-GER-20 Literarische Werkanalyse Reading German Literature
German Studies YSE_BTK011-GER-24 Deutschsprachige Literatur der Gegenwart German Contemporary Literature
German Studies YSE_BTK011-GER-25 Kultur- und Medienwissenschaft Culture and Media Studies
Psychology XSE031-PSI-24A12 Biological psychology 2. Biological psychology 2.
Psychology XSE051-PSI-24T203 Developmental psychology 2.lecture Developmental psychology 2.lecture
Psychology XSE031-PSI-24T204 Developmental psychology 2. seminar Developmental psychology 2. seminar
Psychology XSE051-PSI-24T103 Experimental and general psychology 2. lecture Experimental and general psychology 2. lecture
Psychology XSE031-PSI-24T104 Experimental and general psychology 2. seminar Experimental and generalpsychology 2. seminar
Psychology XSE041-PSI-24A26 Introduction to research methods Introduction to research methods
Psychology XSE021-PSI-24A27 Introduction to research methods seminar Introduction to research methods seminar
Psychology XSE031-PSI-24A23 Statistics 2 - lecture Statistics 2 - lecture
Psychology XSE021-PSI-24A24 Statistics 2 - seminar Statistics 2 - seminar

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