Department/Institute |
Neptun code of the course |
Title in Neptun (i.e. electronic database at SZTE) |
Title in English (if the original title is not English) |
Philosophy |
YSE_BTK011-FIL14 |
Nietzsche's Philosophy |
Nietzsche's Philosophy |
Study of Religions |
YSE_BTK011-ReligAllArUs |
Religion is all around us |
Religion is all around us |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-00389 |
Introduction to Popular Culture and Media |
Introduction to Popular Culture and Media |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-0208 |
Women’s Humor in American Culture |
Women’s Humor in American Culture |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-00513 |
Early Modern Britain |
Early Modern Britain |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-ANG0056 |
American History Survey 1: Colonies to Early American History |
American History Survey 1: Colonies to Early American History |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-00134 |
Descriptive Grammar and the Syntax of English |
Descriptive Grammar and the Syntax of English |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-ANG06 |
English Phonetics and Phonology |
English Phonetics and Phonology |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-00688 |
Introduction to Linguistics |
Introduction to Linguistics |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-00127 |
Introduction to Psycholinguistics |
Introduction to Psycholinguistics |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-00745 |
Introduction to Sociopragmatics |
Introduction to Sociopragmatics |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-00218 |
Second Language Acquisition |
Second Language Acquisition |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-00135 |
England in the High Middle Ages: Middle English Culture and Literature |
England in the High Middle Ages: Middle English Culture and Literature |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-00317 |
The Literary Fantastic |
The Literary Fantastic |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-00520 |
Late nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century American Literature |
Late nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century American Literature |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-ANG0011 |
Across Languages, Minds and Cultures: Discovering Applied Cognitive Linguistics |
Across Languages, Minds and Cultures: Discovering Applied Cognitive Linguistics |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-ANG0021 |
The Bilingual Individual |
The Bilingual Individual |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-ANG0068 |
Language, Ecology and Gender: Case Studies in Discourse Analysis |
Language, Ecology and Gender: Case Studies in Discourse Analysis |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-01172 |
Multilingualism in the United States |
Multilingualism in the United States |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-00067 |
Pragmatics and Identity |
Pragmatics and Identity |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-00793 |
Bodies Re/Presented: Gendered Identities in Visual Culture |
Bodies Re/Presented: Gendered Identities in Visual Culture |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-00776 |
Race/Ethnicity, Class and Gender |
Race/Ethnicity, Class and Gender |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-00336 |
Contemporary American Fiction |
Contemporary American Fiction |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-00289 |
American Intellectual History |
American Intellectual History |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-00050 |
The Thomas Jefferson Seminar |
The Thomas Jefferson Seminar |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-ANG12 |
Approaches to US Cultural and Intellectual History |
Approaches to US Cultural and Intellectual History |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-ANG04 |
Film Semiotics. The American Film |
Film Semiotics. The American Film |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-00918 |
Theories and Histories of Literature and Culture: From the Beginnings to the Rise of Modernism |
Theories and Histories of Literature and Culture: From the Beginnings to the Rise of Modernism |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-ANG0060 |
Cognitive Science Perspectives on Bi- and Multilingualism |
Cognitive Science Perspectives on Bi- and Multilingualism |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-00564 |
Introduction to Applied Linguistics |
Introduction to Applied Linguistics |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-00948 |
Investigating Spoken Language |
Investigating Spoken Language |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-ANG0061 |
Language Contact |
Language Contact |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-ANG14 |
Sociocultural Theory of Mind and Second Language Learning |
Sociocultural Theory of Mind and Second Language Learning |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-00168 |
The digital turn: new research methods in the humanities |
The digital turn: new research methods in the humanities |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-ANG11 |
Introduction to Gender Studies |
Introduction to Gender Studies |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-ANG10 |
Subjectivity and the Gendered Body |
Subjectivity and the Gendered Body |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-ANG0062 |
Explorations into the Worlds of Contemporary British Historical Novel & Climate Fiction |
Explorations into the Worlds of Contemporary British Historical Novel & Climate Fiction |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-ANG07 |
The Long Eighteenth Century |
The Long Eighteenth Century |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-00348 |
Forging National Culture and Identity |
Forging National Culture and Identity |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-00214 |
English Renaissance Drama and Cultures of Performance |
English Renaissance Drama and Cultures of Performance |
English and American Studies |
YSE_BTK011-ANG0038 |
Imperialism, Nationalism and 20th-Century Britain |
Imperialism, Nationalism and 20th-Century Britain |
Altaic Studies |
YSE_BTK011-ALT0029 |
The History of Ottoman Empire |
The History of Ottoman Empire |
Altaic Studies |
YSE_BTK011-00533 |
Introduction to an Endangered Turkic Language: Karaim |
Introduction to an Endangered Turkic Language: Karaim |
Altaic Studies |
YSE_BTK011-ALT0015 |
Ottoman historical text reading |
Ottoman historical text reading |
Altaic Studies |
YSE_BTK011-ALT0027 |
Early Turkic-Hungarian Contacts |
Early Turkic-Hungarian Contacts |
Altaic Studies |
YSE_BTK011-ALT0017 |
History of Turkic Literatures |
History of Turkic Literatures |
Altaic Studies |
YSE_BTK011-ALT0033 |
History of Turkish Movies |
History of Turkish Movies |
Hungarian Studies center |
XSE031-00510 YSE_BTK011-HunInEuHist |
Hungarian history 1848-present |
Hungarian history 1848-present |
Hungarian Studies center |
XSE031-HunLit YSE_BTK011-00610 |
Hungarian Literature |
Hungarian Literature |
Hungarian Studies center |
XSE031-00471 YSE_BTK011-HUNG014 |
Hungarian Cultural history: the Visual Arts of Hungary |
Hungarian Cultural history: the Visual Arts of Hungary |
Hungarian Studies center |
XSE031-CarpBasinCult |
Cultural Geography of the Carpathian basin |
Cultural Geography of the Carpathian basin |
Hungarian Studies center |
XSE041-HunLanL1BegS YSE_BTK011-HunLanL1BegS |
Hungarian language 1. level (beginner) S |
Hungarian language 1. level (beginner) S |
Hungarian Studies center |
XSE041-HunLanL3IntS YSE_BTK011-HunLanL3IntS |
Hungarian language 3. level (intermediate) S |
Hungarian language 3. level (intermediate) S |
Italian Studies |
XSE061-ItTört |
Storia generale d'Italia |
History of Italy |
Italian Studies |
XSE061-LitCultHist_5_S |
Storia della letteratura italiana V. (Ottocento: da Foscolo a Manzoni) |
Italian Literary History 5 (18th century: da Foscolo a Manzoni) |
Italian Studies |
XSE061-LitCultHist_6_L |
Lectura Dantesca |
Literary Works by Dante |
Italian Studies |
XSE061-OlCivIsm-II |
Civiltá italiana II. (Cinema e teatro italiano) |
Italian Cinema and Dramatic Arts |
Italian Studies |
XSE061-TrendItaLitCult |
Tendenze correnti e scuole nella letteratura italiana |
New trends in Contemporary Italian Literature |
Italian Studies |
XSE061-ItaLit_I_L |
Letteratura contemporanea |
Contemporary Italian Literature |
Italian Studies |
XSE061-HistEstPhil |
Filosofia ed estetica italiana |
Italian Philosophy and Aesthetics |
Hispanic Studies |
XSE041-00041 |
Historia de Hispanoamérica |
History of Spanish America |
Hispanic Studies |
XSE041-SpanRomRel |
El romanticismo y realismo en España |
Spanish Romanticism and Realism |
Hispanic Studies |
XSE041-00595 |
El mundo hispánico de hoy 2 (Hispanoamérica) |
Contemporary Hispanic World 2 |
Hispanic Studies |
XSE041-HistSpanL |
Historia breve de la lengua española |
Brief History of the Spanish Language |
Hispanic Studies |
XSE041-SpanHistGram |
Gramática histórica española |
Spanish Historical Grammar lecture |
Hispanic Studies |
XSE041-SpanLitOfGA |
Literatura espanola del Siglo de Oro |
Spanish Literature of the Golden Age |
Hispanic Studies |
YSE_BTK011-hisp005 |
Introducción a la pragmática |
Introduction to Pragmatics |
Hispanic Studies |
YSE_BTK011-hisp007 |
Narrativa hispanoamericana del siglo XX |
Spanish American Prose from the 20th century until today |
Hispanic Studies |
YSE_BTK011-hisp018 |
El cine del mundo hispánico |
Cinema of the Hispanic World |
Hispanic Studies |
YSE_BTK011-hisp021 |
Emigración a Hispanoamérica |
Immingrants in Spanish America |
Hispanic Studies |
YSE_BTK011-hisp024 |
Cuentos hispanos |
Hispanic Short Stories |
Hispanic Studies |
YSE_BTK011-hisp027 |
Hungría en español |
Hungary in Spanish |
Hispanic Studies |
XSE051-RSPN22-22 |
Morfosintaxis del español |
Spanish Morphosyntax |
Hispanic Studies |
YSE_BTK011-hisp030 |
Análisis filológico de textos medievales |
Philological Analysis of Medieval Texts |
French Studies |
Francophonies dans le temps et dans l'espace 2 |
French-Speaking Communities in the World Across Time and Place 2 |
French Studies |
XSE041-Lexico |
Lexicologie |
Lexicology |
French Studies |
XSE041-FrSpLit_2 |
Littératures francophones 2 |
Literatures of the French-speaking world 2 |
French Studies |
XSE041-FrLittText |
L'univers du texte littéraire |
Litterary Texts |
French Studies |
XSE041-FrSpIKM_2 |
Médiations interculturelles francophones 2 |
Intercultural Mediations in French Language 2 |
French Studies |
XSE041-MorphSynt |
Morphologie et syntaxe |
Morphology and Syntax |
French Studies |
XSE041-TextImag_2 |
Texte et image 2 |
Literary Texts and Images 2 |
French Studies |
XSE041-TextImag_4 |
Texte et image 4 |
Literary Texts and Images 4 |
French Studies |
XSE051-ContFrAPopC |
Art contemporain et culture populaire francophones |
Contemporary French Speaking Art and Pop Culture |
French Studies |
XSE051-CultMed_1 |
Culture et médialité 1 |
Literature, Culture and Mediality 1 |
French Studies |
Francophonies dans le temps et dans l'espace 2 |
French-Speaking Communities in the World Across Time and Place 2 |
French Studies |
XSE051-FrModPmodGen_3_MA |
Genres, codes, modernes et postmodernes 3 |
Modern and Postmodern Genres 3 |
French Studies |
XSE051-LingPragCultV |
Pragmatique linguistique et variations culturelles |
Linguistic pragmatics and cultural variations |
French Studies |
XSE051-PMLitTheo |
Théories et critiques postmodernes |
Postmodern Literary Theories |
French Studies |
XSE041-CinClub2 |
Ciné-Club 2 |
Ciné-Club 2 |
Institute of Education |
XSE031-CurricStand |
Curricula and standards |
Curricula and standards |
Institute of Education |
A Problem-Based Overview of the History of Education |
A Problem-Based Overview of the History of Education |
Institute of Education |
Skills Development in Early Childhood |
Skills Development in Early Childhood |
Institute of Education |
ESMA-ECE04; XSE031-PsychEChildh_Eng |
Psychology of Early Childhood |
Psychology of Early Childhood |
Institute of Education |
XSE031-ESMA-0404 |
Development of Skills and Abilities |
Development of Skills and Abilities |
Institute of Education |
ESMA-ECE12; XSE0331-FCogSkills |
Fostering Cognitive Skills |
Fostering Cognitive Skills |
Slavic Studies |
YSE_BTK011-SLA004 |
Az orosz beszédkészség fejlesztése 4. A. csoport |
Russian communication skills 4. Group A. |
Slavic Studies |
YSE_BTK011-SLA004 |
Az orosz beszédkészség fejlesztése 4. B. csoport |
Russian communication skills 4. Group B. |
Slavic Studies |
YSE_BTK011-SLA010 |
Orosz nyelvtani gyakorlatok 2. A. csoport |
Russian grammar 4. Group A. |
Slavic Studies |
YSE_BTK011-SLA010 |
Orosz nyelvtani gyakorlatok 2. B. csoport |
Russian grammar 4. Group B. |
Slavic Studies |
YSE_BTK011-SLA016 |
Orosz szövegolvasás és szövegalkotás 4. A. csoport |
Russian reading and writing 4. Group A. |
Slavic Studies |
YSE_BTK011-SLA016 |
Orosz szövegolvasás és szövegalkotás 4. B. csoport |
Russian reading and writing 4. Group B. |
Slavic Studies |
YSE_BTK011-SLA006 |
Az orosz beszédkészség fejlesztése 6. |
Russian communication skills 6. |
Slavic Studies |
YSE_BTK011-SLA012 |
Orosz nyelvtani gyakorlatok 4. |
Russian grammar 6. |
Slavic Studies |
YSE_BTK011-SLA018 |
Orosz szövegolvasás és szövegalkotás 6. |
Russian reading and writing 6. |
German Studies |
YSE_BTK011-GER-13 |
Deutschsprachige Literatur des 18. Jahrhunderts |
German Literature in the 18th Century |
German Studies |
YSE_BTK011-GER-15 |
Syntax |
Syntax |
German Studies |
YSE_BTK011-GER-26 |
Literaturseminar |
Literature Seminar |
German Studies |
YSE_BTK011-GER-28 |
Morphologie |
Morphology |
German Studies |
YSE_BTK011-GER-38 |
Sprachübung Deutsch B2+ |
German Language Skills B2+ |
German Studies |
YSE_BTK011-GER-16 |
Pragmalinguistik |
Pragmalinguistics |
German Studies |
YSE_BTK011-GER-17 |
Psycho- und Soziolinguistik |
Psycholinguistics and Sociolinguistics |
German Studies |
YSE_BTK011-GER-20 |
Literarische Werkanalyse |
Reading German Literature |
German Studies |
YSE_BTK011-GER-24 |
Deutschsprachige Literatur der Gegenwart |
German Contemporary Literature |
German Studies |
YSE_BTK011-GER-25 |
Kultur- und Medienwissenschaft |
Culture and Media Studies |
Psychology |
XSE031-PSI-24A12 |
Biological psychology 2. |
Biological psychology 2. |
Psychology |
XSE051-PSI-24T203 |
Developmental psychology 2.lecture |
Developmental psychology 2.lecture |
Psychology |
XSE031-PSI-24T204 |
Developmental psychology 2. seminar |
Developmental psychology 2. seminar |
Psychology |
XSE051-PSI-24T103 |
Experimental and general psychology 2. lecture |
Experimental and general psychology 2. lecture |
Psychology |
XSE031-PSI-24T104 |
Experimental and general psychology 2. seminar |
Experimental and generalpsychology 2. seminar |
Psychology |
XSE041-PSI-24A26 |
Introduction to research methods |
Introduction to research methods |
Psychology |
XSE021-PSI-24A27 |
Introduction to research methods seminar |
Introduction to research methods seminar |
Psychology |
XSE031-PSI-24A23 |
Statistics 2 - lecture |
Statistics 2 - lecture |
Psychology |
XSE021-PSI-24A24 |
Statistics 2 - seminar |
Statistics 2 - seminar |