2025. március 10., hétfő

Application deadline: 16th of February – for the 4-semester programme

Study of Religions MA

Intercontinental, interreligious, interdisciplinar

The very first Masters’ Programme in Hungary in the field of Study of Religions was launched by the University of Szeged. In accordance with the Bologna process, our Bachelor Programme (BA) is available through the Study of Religions specialization, besides which our MA Programme will be also launched in September 2009. Religion in the Modern World (Applied Study of Religions) specialization will be offered in Hungarian and English. History of Religions(Central-Asian religions) specialization will be offered only in Hungarian.


The aim of our MA Programme is to provide our students with sufficient methodological, theoretical and historical background in order to understand religious phenomena and problems. In possession of this knowledge, our students will be able to orientate themselves in the religious rooted events of our time, and will become capable of conducting historical or recent investigations in the different religious dimensions.


During the History of Religions specialization students will get acquainted with the ideological background, religious-philosophical reasoning and religious idiom of Hinduism, Buddhism ans Islam; while the Applied Study of Religionsspecialization investigates the religious entities of our modern time basically from a social scientific point of view (i.e. sociological, anthropological, psychological, etc.).

Labour market opportunities

Numerous workplaces require or lack the knowledge provided by our starting programme: archives, libraries, museums, journals, cultural managers, media employees, teachers of humanities – our basic Study of Religions programme helps to improve the quality of their work. Besides the above mentioned workplaces, departments of universities and academic research centres, which have a profile that is close to the religious field, also belong into this listing: philosophy, sociology, psychology, history, ethnography, etc.


The regional interest in our Study of Religions programme can be demonstrated through the fact that most of our graduates managed to get employed in their field of study; primarily in the civil sector, secondly in the field of science and scientific management. However, as it can be derived from the nature of our field, our primary goal is not the satisfaction of regional needs, but the recognition of those areas, in which the moderation of cultural diversity and the proper application of communication is a necessity. Szeged is the gate of the Balkans, where this task poses challenges for the entire university and especially for these culture-mediating departments.


During the course of our programme, the students are prepared for research development, academic discourse and the PhD programme as well - mainly by the encouragement and help they get during the seminars and tutorial meetings. Furthermore, students are regularly involved in the on-going research activities of our department. International student mobility programmes at our department provide the opportunity of taking part in international panels and make the exchange of experiences and ideas possible. Outstanding participation in tender activity enhances our students’ self-management and competition skills.


The theoretical knowledge of their fields and the proficiency in basic religious languages, besides the acquisition of research methods, grounds the participation in the PhD programme. Talented students are prepared for the doctoral programme during tutorial meetings and academic writing seminars.

Application process

Anyone can apply to our MA programme who has already acquired a college or equivalent degree. However, due to the fact that our MA programme is mainly based on the Study of Religions specialization within the Liberal Arts BA programme, students entering the MA programme will be required to take some BA courses too. The credit points required depend on the type of degree one has achieved, in other words whether the applicant has studied any related subjects before.

Previously acquired degrees accepted on entering the MA programme:

  1. Acceptable with full credit points: BA in Liberal Arts with a Study of Religions specialization; Study of Religions Minor Programme degree.
  2. Primarily acceptable degrees on entering: Hungarian Language and Grammar, History, Ethnology, Ancient Languages and Cultures, Andragogy, Liberal Arts, International Studies, Political Science, IT-Librarian, Communication Studies, Media Studies, Cultural Anthropology, Sociology, Social Sciences BA and Theological degrees.

Requirements: 15 credits in history of religions and in theory of religions subjects.

  1. Furthermore, those BA or MA degrees and university or college level basic degrees - specified in the law of higher education no. LXXX. of 1993 -, which are accepted by the Credit-Transference Commission.

Requirements: at least 30 acceptable credit points in history of religions, theory of religions and in social sciences.

  1. In cases where these conditions are not met or only partially met, the missing credits have to be achieved simultaneously with the MA programme, within the first two semesters following application, in accordance with the rules specified in the Examination Regulation.


Some remarks

Applicants of our English MA programme, who gained their BA equivalent degree - specified above in points I-III. - outside of Hungary, have to prove that in the country of issue they are permitted to take part in an MA or equivalent programme.
